
网络学习支持 利记sbo colleges and academic departments in the use of innovative technologies and strategies for teaching and learning. eLearning assists faculty in the design and development of engaging online degree programs as well as the implementation of technology enriched learning environments throughout 利记sbo’s campus.

248.204.2380 | 248.204.2389传真| elearning@productsmartsl.com
位于 大学服务大楼 在电子学习套件.




利记sbo has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.


网络学习服务 Lawrence Tech has a long tradition of rigorous academics. Our online degree programs embrace the same standards of quality as our traditional classroom delivery methods. 利记sbo Online provides access to our excellent curriculum and faculty to students all across the world. 获取更多利记sbo all of the 利记sbo在线课程 网络学习支持.

利记sbo is a member of the NC-SARA National Reciprocity Agreement, and is authorized to offer online courses throughout the United States of America, 以及各自的领土. 

Explore the items below to learn more about the support and services that eLearning provides.
Canvas is 利记sbo's Learning Management System and will be used for all courses beginning Summer of 2018. 获取更多利记sbo Canvas.
教职员工24/7全天候可用. 获取更多利记sbo 老师的支持.



This Online Faculty Preparation (OFPP) course is delivered in Canvas and covers essential information and strategies for successful delivery of your online course. This program may take up to 20 hours to complete depending on your time and effort. This program may be required for an online teaching assignment. 注意:这个程序是为 新教师 or faculty who have not completed similar online preparation. eLearning, in consultation with department chair will determine requirements.


The Online Faculty Preparation Program ensures that all online instructors are aware of and comply with State and Federal regulations and distance education guidelines and are proficient in the tools and techniques for effective online teaching.


当然结果 & 大纲:


  1. Identify the essential elements of course design and facilitation intocourse
  2. Demonstrate understanding of online instructional techniques that promote student learning
  3. Discuss the importance of engaging online students in relevant activities that promote learning.
  4. 应用 techniques for interacting with students in the onlineenvironment
  5. Use tools in Canvas to develop and teach an online class with effectivestrategies
  6. Create effective online course design elements (interaction, assessment, and content) in Canvas
  7. Demonstrate proficiency in using other tools – lecture capture, web conferencing,Mural

模块1: Difference and similarities between online and on campus teaching

模块2: Ingredients to a great instructional experiences & 如何建立它们:

  1. Well organized and prepared content delivery - recorded lectures with examples, 实时网络会议, 阅读, 等. (use of lecture capture tool and web conferencing)
  2. Relevant and systemic interaction – online discussion, 实践活动, synchronous conversations team projects, 等. (use of Canvas collaborationtools)
  3. Varied and aligned assessment - aligned with the course content and set up in a way that ensures academic integrity (use of Canvas quizzes, 题目andgrading)

模块3: 创造伟大的内容:计划, recording and delivering content Module 4: It’s all about engagement: Tools to promote interaction

模块5 : How do you know they learned what you wanted them to learn: Assessment strategies

模块六: Putting it together: Effective syllabus and building an online module

模块7: 网上教学指引 & 预期

  1. Verification of student identity – how do you know it’s the right student doing thework
  2. 联系 hour requirements – ensuring student get their tuition’sworth
  3. Student Success and Retention Strategies – early warning signals andsupport
  4. 版权-建模规则
  5. Accessibility – ensuring every student hasaccess


Deliverables: The program includes use of web-conference tools, Canvas quizzes and assignments designed to show faculty what the students experience. Faculty will complete a minimum of two modules for their upcoming online course.

网络学习服务 媒体制作 team provides support for the creation of digital video, audio, 图形项目. 获取更多利记sbo 媒体制作 .
eHelp is a one-stop source for instructions and documentation to help faculty and students navigate the computing environment at Lawrence Tech. 获取更多利记sbo eHelp .